Monday, December 3, 2012

Veteran's Day

ONEONTA, NY—Veteran’s day is an American holiday that pays tribute to all of the brave men and woman that have protected our freedom throughout the history of the United States.

                 Rebecca Goldstein, a Navy veteran, is a prime example of the hard work that the armed services commit to off the battle field.  Goldstein spent the duration of her military service at the Naval Airstation in Washington as a logistics specialist.  Unfortunately, she was medically discharged from the Navy after falling 15 feet off an airplane repair platform.

                 Although Goldstein never went overseas, carried a weapon, or fought on a battleground she is a clear example of the veteran’s that work endlessly in the background to preserve this beautiful country of ours.

Goldstein giving a speech about her time in the military during a Veteran’s Day ceremony

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