Monday, December 3, 2012

Battle Wound

ONEONTA, NY—Whoever told you that precooked canned food was a simple dinner solution may have lied to you.

On October 4, just as a young woman named Sammy Hollander, 20, began opening a can of Spaghettios with a can opener, she sliced her finger.  What she thought would be a harmless simple dinner, turned into a night of 16 stitches. 
            “I was opening the can and when it didn’t open all the way with the can opener, I tried pushing the top off.  Blood immediately flew out all over my shirt and wouldn’t stop,” said Hollander.
             Hollander waited in the emergency room at Fox Hospital for four hours until she was finally patched up and sent home.

Hollander’s left thumb after getting stitched up

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