Monday, December 3, 2012

Finals Week

ONEONTA, NY—The Stress of finals week is finally starting to settle in for the students at SUNY Oneonta.  The library “inmates” seem to be growing at a consistent rate as that dreaded week nears. 
             Five days and, often times, five tests.  This is an enormous amount of work, so everybody can understand the stresses that come with a week this hectic.
             Notebooks, textbooks, coffee, energy drinks, headphones, and computers are all some of the essentials for a successful finals week; however, allocating the time and being proactive about studying for tests ahead of time are some of the best strategies to pass those exams.  Do your best not to cram for each test the night before.
             Good luck during finals week and do your best not to become too stressed out.

The typical scene for students at SUNY Oneonta during finals week

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